Site-Specific Wildlife Conservation Plan of (DCRTPP)in Yamuna nagar, Haryana

Project Overview

The project aims to prepare a comprehensive Site-specific Wildlife Conservation Plan under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, for Deebandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Plant (DCRTPP)in Yamuna nagar, Haryana. The process involves detailed surveys, identification of species, environmental impact assessments, and mitigation measures. All necessary forms and reports will be compiled and submitted to the PCCF, Forest Department to ensure compliance with wildlife protection laws, facilitating the development of infrastructure.

Strategic Focus

  • Comprehensive documentation by compiling all required reports, maps, and data related to the wildlife impacted by the project.
  • Conduct a thorough environmental impact assessment and develop robust mitigation strategies, including 10 years wildlife conservation plans.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance with all statutory requirements under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, aligning the proposal with guidelines provided by the MoEFCC.
  • Effective communication and coordination with all stakeholders, including regulatory authorities, to expedite the approval process.
  • Successfully submission and approval from concerned PCCF, adhering to all statutory requirements and obtaining the necessary clearances for the project.

Promote sustainable development by balancing the need for infrastructure with ecological preservation through careful planning and implementation of compensatory and conservation measures.

  • Client
    Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Plant (DCRTPP) through MECON
  • Place
    Yamuna nagar, Haryana